Church Activities
Bridge Community Church has a number of activities geared towards both youth and adults. We invite you to check out our offerings from the list to the right and to join us in our worship of our Lord.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study (Life groups) will come and go through the year but generally meet together weekly for Christian fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. There are currently several Life Groups available to anyone interested in attending. Please see Pastor John for specific days, times, and topics.
In general, there are mid-week Bible studies going on, of course the Sunday School hour is focused on biblical studies, and then our Life Groups also have a Bible Study component. See the bullet for Life Groups for more details about those.
The objectives for our Bible studies include:
Study Scripture - The main objective of this ministry is to provide a small group setting where the Scriptures can be examined, discussed, and applied to our daily lives--thus building us up to maturity, that we might be made complete in Christ (Colossian 1:28).
Build Relationships - Fellowship includes building relationships, being accountable to one another, and hospitality. Christianity is modeled in these groups and each person is a contributor and participant who adds diversity to the body. Many lasting friendships have developed through Bible study groups.
Pray Together - At each study, a time is set aside for sharing praises, requests, and needs with one another and then praying for and about them. Sometimes the prayer time (or perhaps the entire study) focuses on praising and thanking the Lord for His mercies.
Serve the Body - Ministry is a broad term. As people grow in their relationship to Christ through the study and application of God's Word, a desire to serve others develops. Many serving opportunities are available within Home Bible Studies and a Home Bible Study is also a great place to learn about the ministries at Bridge Community Church.
Profitable Bible study involves more than just opening to a chapter and reading what's there. Here are six guidelines to help you make the most of your study of the Bible.
1. Set aside a regular time. Unless you schedule it, you'll
​neglect it.
2. Before you start reading, ask God for help and understanding.
3. Carefully think about what you are reading. The treasures of the Bible seldom lie like pebbles on the surface. To mine the gold, you have to dig.
4. Before you decide what a passage means to you, try to understand what the author was saying to the original readers.
5. Write down at least one truth or principle you can put into practice.
6. Don't get discouraged. Some parts of the Bible are difficult to understand, but there's much that you can understand. And if you apply what you've learned, it will revolutionize your life.
Keep these principles in mind and use this method whenever you study God's Word. If you do, you will begin to discover the treasures of the Bible.

Children's Church
Children's Church is available every sunday. Ages 4 through 11 will accompany their parents into the sanctuary for worship and will be released to Kid’s Church at the start of the teaching time (usually about 10:45 a.m.).
NOTE: The kids church program will be taking a break during the summer. It will end on may 31st and begin again on Sep 13th. Other activities will be offered for the younger children through the summer.
The nursery will continue to be available.
What about Child Security?
We take child security seriously. A thorough background investigation has been conducted on every person working with our children. If you have any concerns, please direct them to a greeter in the lobby. We want you and your children to feel safe and secure in our building. ​
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
The Men’s Breakfast takes place on the 1st Saturday of each month here at the church. We start at 8:00 a.m. with a hearty breakfast and time of visiting together. Then, generally around 9:00 a.m., we begin an open ended Bible study and discussion time. This is carefully tailored to avoid being a lecture time and is more a time of listening to each other and seeking to understand what the passage under discussion for that day has to say.
We are normally done around 10:00 a.m. This is an informal and friendly time, come as you are. Bring your Bible if you have one, and be prepared to be challenged to apply the Scriptures in practical ways.
Nursery Care
Our Nursery is available throughout the service and is open to all children ages 0 through 3. Ages 4 through 11 should accompany their parents into the sanctuary for worship time (singing), and will be released to Kid’s Church at the start of the teaching time.
Nursery = 0 through Age 3 - We offer a nursery for babies through age 3 for all church wide events. Nursing moms are welcome to use our nursery room to feed your baby. If you need another location, please ask an attendant in the nursery for assistance.
What about Child Security?
We take child security seriously. A thorough background investigation has been conducted on every person working with your children. If you have any concerns, please direct them to a greeter in the lobby. We want you and your children to feel safe and secure in our building.
Sunday School
Please Join us at the church every Sunday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m for Adult Sunday School currently being led by Fred Burgdorf and David Bauer. Don't worry about droping in any Sunday - there's no beginning and no end unless the rapture occurs. All are welcome!
Women's Fellowship
​Women’s Fellowship – A time when ladies of all ages meet together on the second Saturday of each month, September-June, from 10:00 - 12:00. We start with a brunch-like meal, followed by a devotional speaker, and one of the ladies gives a testimony. It’s a perfect time to get to know one another better.
In June and December we have special meetings. June is our Ladies Friendship Tea, from 1:00 - 3:00; and December is Mugs and Muffins, from 10:00 -12:00.
Worship Team
The Bridge Community Worship Team performs on stage every Sunday morning, singing the opening and closing worship songs. If you would like to either play a musical instrument or sing with the worship teams, you may contact any member of the worship team.
Youth Group
How is God working in your life?
Bridge Youth Group meets Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Dinner is provided at 6pm with games, a bible based discussion, and fellowship time. Ages 11-18 welcome. For questions contact David Miller at bridgecommunitychurchyouth@gmail.com