Family Information
Week Of February 2, 2025
To request prayer on the prayer chain, contact Doni Matthews at donimatt @aol.com or Alternatively, you can call the church office (360-426-6352) or send the request to Pastor John at johnmartin052@msn.com, who will forward it over to Doni for you.
We have “Toddler” and “Kid” quiet activity bags available during the service. Request one from a greeter.
If you would like a visit from Pastor John, just let him know and a time will be worked out to make it happen.
The church pantry is available for anyone who could use help with food. Contact Pastor John.
To schedule the use of the church building for church related functions, contact Dan or LaRae Peterson at: greenhouse171@icloud.com or call 360-426-6491.
Need a name tag? There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.
Hearing Assistance Equipment is available. Please see the sound booth people to help you get set up.
“Communication Central” hanging files have been set up (one for each family attending Bridge). These files are in the foyer, and are an easy way to distribute cards, notes, etc. If you would like to have your name added to the folders, please contact Cheryl Knowles at mrbingly@gmail.com.