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Prayer Requests

Week of  January 12, 2025

Click HERE to visit our "Questions About Prayer" Page

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  • Pray for the many unspoken prayer requests in our Church family.

  • Pray for David Miller as he leads our Youth & Children’s Ministries.

    • Pray for those who serve through teaching the children.

  • Pray for the Pastor Search Committee as they seek to determine the Lord’s will for who our next pastor will be.

  • Also be praying for whoever God has called to be our next pastor.  

  • Pray for revival in “the Church,” and for revival in our church.

  • Pray for our government leaders as they deal with an increasingly dangerous world situation.


Health Concerns


  • Betty McLain is in the hospital with failing heart issues.

  • Pray for Whickey as she deals with extreme back pain.

  • Pray for Carol Graff as she deals with serious health problems.

  • Pray for David Bauer as he recovers from a broken leg.

  • Pray for Terri Valley as she recovers from a badly sprained ankle.

  • Pray for Carol McGraw, and Doug, as Carol recovers from extensive brain surgery on Monday, 01/06/25.

  • ila McGilvrey requests prayer for a digestion/throat problem.

  • Pray for Paul Holden as he recovers from a stomach virus.

  • Kathy Funkhouser requests prayers for healing of her vision.

  • Pray for Sandra, a friend of Kathy Earl, who fell and hit her head, and is currently unconscious.

  • Jeannie Howard requests prayer for her daughter, Jessica.

  • Pray for Robert O’Connor as he continues to deal with health challenges following surgery a few weeks ago.

  • Pray for Rick Lee’s father and mother as they deal with dementia and other health challenges.


Missions Prayer Needs


  • Pray for Centro Cristiano Cultural de Guatemala (CCCG).  

  • Pray for the Howe family in the Amazon Basin of Brazil.  

  • Pray for the Bamfords, missionaries in the Philippines working in the village of Maraqat w/ the Isnag people in Bible translation.  

  • Pray for our Frontiers missionaries, working on evangelism and discipleship in Muslim countries.  

  • FEBC is requesting prayer for their broadcast stations and leadership in Malawi.

  • Pray for our InFaith missionaries, Larry & Vonnie Pratt as they serve the Lord through their puppet ministry.

  • Pray for Megan and Trevor James, missionaries with CRU evangelizing & discipling on the EWU campus.

  • Pray for Rachel Faust, as she teaches grade school students at Immanuel Mission to the Navajo in northern Arizona.

  • Pray for the Trust Jesus evangelistic outreach ministry.

  • Hold “His Mercy” outreach to our neighbors up in prayer.

  • Pray for Christians in Bangladesh where violence against Christians has been on the increase since 2014.

  • Pray for the salvation of God’s people in Israel.

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Bulletin Insert

Week of January 12, 2025

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I see a picture like this and I can practically feel my nose hairs freezing!  I remember trips into the mountains in winter, and I remember my toes beginning to sting and my fingers becoming chunks of ice.  At the same time, I’m amped up by the beauty and the challenge of it all.  It really boils down to whether I’m prepared, or if I’m unprepared because I didn’t adequately think things through.


The same holds true in our spiritual lives.  We will live forever, not as disembodied spirits, but as either “resurrected” beings, or as “translated” beings… if we live long enough to experience the rapture.  Either way, in our new perfect bodies we’ll live forever.


Now, how we experience that eternal life depends on how well we’ve prepared.  Are you living this present period of time only for your own pleasures, or are you living for God?  Whether you like it or not, you were created to live for Him.  In fact, the greatest pleasure we can experience, the greatest satisfaction and joy possible, only comes through living out what you were created to do, and that is to live for God through faith in Jesus.


Eternal life is a reality, and it’s either harsh and terrifying, or it’s exhilarating and filled with hope, anticipation, and joy.  How you experience it will depend on how prepared you are.


Where might you begin in preparing for life in eternity which, by the way, will be life in the presence of God?  The easiest first step is, by faith, to come into His presence in prayer.  Ask Him what He desires from you, and then obey what you sense Him telling you.


All of the Christian life boils down to God’s grace and our entering into a relationship with Him through prayer.  This one discipline is the foundation of every other spiritual practice.  We ignore it at our own peril.


How prepared are you for eternity?  Pray about it.

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