About Us
We are exactly what the name implies. We're a small community church located on Harstine Island, WA, approximately 14 miles north of Shelton, WA.
Our congregation numbers approximately 100 people, give or take, depending on the number of persons traveling south for the winter.
We have a number of activities available to our congregation. To see a list of these activities, you may click HERE. Additional activities may also be available. We also sponsor a number of missions around the world. You can see these by clicking HERE.
Pastor John Martin
(360) 426-6352 (Church Office)
(303) 818-7006 (Cell)
Elders are available for prayer after the service.
Nursery: ages 0 through 3. Care provided during service.
​Kid’s Church: ages 4 through 11. Kids will accompany their parents in the sanctuary for worship and will be released to Kid’s Church at the start of the teaching time.
Order of Service
​Opening - Confession of Faith
Call to Worship
Announcements/Commission to Serve
Scripture Reading – Please Stand
Adoration of God
Congregational Worship Through Singing
Means of Grace
Family Prayer Time
Children released for Kid’s Church
Message from the Scripture
Song of Release
Closing Blessing on the Congregation
Time of Fellowship
Communion is normally held on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions such as Christmas Eve.
For those who need to be cautious about alcohol, be aware that we use grape juice.
Bridge Community Church practices an open communion. This means that you need not be a member of this congregation to participate.
Through our sharing in Communion together we proclaim the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. This is His command to His followers until He returns.
As we do this, it should be a time for contemplation. We intentionally set this time aside to remember what Jesus did for us. We take this time to examine ourselves, to listen to the Holy Spirit, to confess and turn from any sin He may reveal, and we then renew our dedication to Jesus as Savior and Lord.
This is a sacred moment. During this time we meet with God. We enter into His presence in a unique and powerful way. We are bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds in a way we cannot fully comprehend.
Because we enter into the presence of a Holy God, communion is only for those who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.