Then one day, God tapped John on the shoulder and changed his career path just a little bit. Following his call to ministry, John graduated from Regent University with a Masters in Practical Theology in 2008. He was ordained in January of 2011 by Conifer Community Church in Conifer, Colorado.
John has been active in church life since his conversion and has served in multiple ways as a Layman; Elder, Trustee, Sunday School Teacher, Chairman of Missions, Chairman of Adult Ministries, Chairman of Prayer Ministries, and Chairman of Small Groups Ministries.
In 2013, Bridge Community Church called him to come and serve as their pastor. John has been our Pastor since June 1, 2013.
John has been married to his wife, Cindy, since 1978. They met while in High School, got to know each other within the church youth group, and began dating shortly after graduating from High School in 1975. John and Cindy have no children, but they love their two Bernese Mountain Dogs, Smoky and Appalachia.
John says that one of his favorite books in the Bible is the letter to the Galatians. Their struggle with legalism is something we so easily fall into as well. When relaxing, he enjoys hiking, reading, and watching action movies. Recreational reading is generally westerns or sword and sorcery. Being “basically lazy”, both John and Cindy try to be consistent in getting enough exercise by walking every day. They currently live on Hartstene Pointe which is the perfect environment for walking!
Don’t forget to tell John and Cindy how much you appreciate all they do for our church family.

Pastor John Martin

Pastor John was born August, 25 1957 in San Luis Obispo, California and was born again when he accepted the Lord as his personal savior in 1974 while attending a revival service at Ripon Free Methodist Church. He Graduated from Cal Poly in 1985 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Prior to acknowledging his call into ministry, John paid the bills by working as an engineer.
Then one day, God tapped John on the shoulder and changed his career path just a little bit. Following his call to ministry, John graduated from Regent University with a Masters in Practical Theology in 2008. He was ordained in January of 2011 by Conifer Community Church in Conifer, Colorado.
John has been active in church life since his conversion and has served in multiple ways as a Layman; Elder, Trustee, Sunday School Teacher, Chairman of Missions, Chairman of Adult Ministries, Chairman of Prayer Ministries, and Chairman of Small Groups Ministries.
In 2013, Bridge Community Church called him to come and serve as their pastor. John has been our Pastor since June 1, 2013.
John has been married to his wife, Cindy, since 1978. They met while in High School, got to know each other within the church youth group, and began dating shortly after graduating from High School in 1975. John and Cindy have no children, but they love their two Bernese Mountain Dogs.
John says that one of his favorite books in the Bible is the letter to the Galatians. Their struggle with legalism is something we so easily fall into as well. When relaxing, he enjoys hiking, reading, and watching action movies. Recreational reading is generally westerns or sword and sorcery. Being “basically lazy”, both John and Cindy try to be consistent in getting enough exercise by walking every day. They currently live on Hartstene Pointe which is the perfect environment for walking!
Don’t forget to tell John and Cindy how much you appreciate all they do for our church family.