Bulletin Insert
Week Of January 12, 2025
Change: Future Shock
Revelation 22:1-5
Change: Supernatural​
Change: Future Shock
Change: In the Church
Change: Personal
Sermon Outline:
1. Introduction ~ we tend to see rapid & ongoing change as a bad thing
2. Context ~ today we’ll explore the place God will provide us Rev 22:1-5
2.1. we find the New Jerusalem description as a cube Rev 21:14-16
2.1.1. we need to remember there’s a lot symbolism Rev 21:10
3. Old Testament References ~ are laced throughout the passage
3.1. imagery is associated w/the garden of Eden Gen 2:8-10 Eze 47:1
3.1.1. ultimately this world will pass away 2 Pe 3:13
4. Perfect Environment ~ will be reestablished for us to live in Rev 22:1
4.1. the central point is the eternal state of joy we enter into 1 Pe 1:3-5
4.1.1. Jesus used a similar reference in John 4:14
5. The Source ~ of eternal life comes exclusively from God Rev 21:4
6. The Tree ~ of life & “river of living water” are closely associated
6.1. Rev 22:2 alludes to Ezekiel’s vision Ezekl 47:7-9 & Ezek 47:12
6.1.1. Jesus has this to say about the “Tree of Life” Rev 2:7
7. Life ~ in the New Jerusalem is described Rev 22:3–5
7.1. Adam & Eve sinned and brought a curse Gen 3:13 Gen 3:17-19
8. A Job to Do ~ we will not be sitting around doing nothing Rev 22:3-4
8.1. the greatest of blessings: “they shall see His face” Rev 22:4
8.1.1. in some sense our serving will be reigning w/God Dan 7:18
9. Finally, the Source ~ of light will be God & God alone Rev 22:5
9.1. takes us back to creation Gen 1:3-5 God will be our source of light
10. Summary ~ from all of this we learn a lot about the future
10.1. Adam & Eve sinned & God promised a Redeemer Gen 3:15
11. Application ~ there should be a very specific response Rom 14:8-9
11.1. everyone continues to exist forever John 3:3 1 John 1:9
11.2. God has an unlimited amount of time to make things right
For Contemplation:
Does my view of the world reflect the fact that I will live eternally?
Homiletical Idea:
There is a huge change coming our way!
For Prayer:
Father, through Your Spirit prepare me to live with you forever!