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Prayer Requests

Week of  October 13, 2024

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  • Pray for the many unspoken prayer requests in our Church family.

  • Pray for David Miller as he leads our Youth & Children’s Ministries.

    • Pray for protection & salvation for our children & youth.

  • Pray for revival in our local church, in our community, in our state, and in our nation.

  • Pray for Kim Kinchloe as she grieves the passing of her husband, David.

  • Violet requests prayer for the Lord to provide a place for her to live.

  • Aila McGilvrey request prayer for the Lord to provide housing for her.

  • Pray for the Pastor Search Committee as they sort through applications.

    • Also be praying for the man God has already selected to be our next pastor.  

  • Pray for the Lord to guide our elected leaders.

  • Aila McGilvrey request prayer for the Lord’s wisdom and leading as she explores a new relationship.


Health Concerns


  • Jean Brown requests prayers for Doug as he deals with congestive heart failure.

  • Pray for Whickey as she deals with extreme back pain and spasms.

  • David Lasater requests prayer for his daughter, in need of ankle surgery, and his granddaughter suffering from a broken foot.

  • Jeannie Howard requests prayer for her daughter, Jessica, suffering from congestive heart failure along with other life-issues.

  • Pray for Jill Diehl as she recovers from a fractured pelvis.  

  • Pray for Rick Lee’s father and mother as they deal with dementia and other health challenges.


Missions Prayer Needs


  • Pray for Centro Cristiano Cultural de Guatemala (CCCG).  

  • Pray for the Howe family in the Amazon Basin of Brazil.  

  • Pray for the Bamfords, missionaries in the Philippines working in the village of Maraqat w/ the Isnag people in Bible translation.  

  • Pray for our Frontiers missionaries, working on evangelism and discipleship in Muslim countries.  

  • FEBC is requesting prayer for their ethnic broadcasts in India as they reach into un-evangelized communities.

  • Pray for our InFaith missionaries, Larry & Vonnie Pratt as they serve the Lord through their puppet ministry.

  • Pray for Megan and Trevor James, missionaries with CRU evangelizing & discipling on the EWU campus.

  • Pray for Rachel Faust, as she teaches grade school students at Immanuel Mission to the Navajo in northern Arizona.

  • Pray for the Trust Jesus evangelistic outreach ministry.

  • Pray for Christians in Saudi Arabia where any form of Christian worship must be held “underground.”

  • Pray for the salvation of God’s people in Israel.

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Bulletin Insert

Week of October 13, 2024

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his made me think of the gondola at Juneau, AK, that Cindy and I rode in last year when the church family sent us on a cruise.  It was a wonderful trip and we enjoyed ourselves way more than is natural!


Getting back to the tram, I have to admit that my training as an engineer can interfere with my enjoyment of rides like this.  I begin to examine cable sizes and redundant fall protection measures.  I start to ponder maintenance requirements and wonder how complete their maintenance practices might be.  I start to wonder if anyone checked the engineer’s calculations…


Ultimately, for me, carnival rides, ski lifts, gondolas, these are all ridden as a step of faith.  I have to choose to set aside my questions and concerns and choose to trust that it’s all safe and sound.


Honestly, all of life and death is the same way.  We can wonder, we can worry, we can apply logic and intelligence, but at the end of the day we can either be fearful, or we can choose to trust.


The difference is, engineers do make mistakes and technicians don’t always do their jobs.  God, on the other hand never makes a mistake and never fails to do what He says He will do.  What may feel like a step of faith is, in reality, simply acting on the reliability of our God.


How do we come to this understanding?  You cannot trust what you do not know.  How well have you come to know God?  Is it based on secondhand information, or do you know Him personally?


How do you come to know Him personally?  Talk to Him.  That is, pray to Him. Know that He promises to hear and answer.  That will change how you see the world around you.

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