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Girl Praying.tiff

Prayer Requests

Week of  February 2, 2025

Click HERE to visit our "Questions About Prayer" Page

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  • Pray for the many unspoken prayer requests in our Church family.

  • Pray for David Miller & our Youth & Children’s Ministries workers.

  • Pray for the Pastor Search Committee as they seek to determine the Lord’s will for who our next pastor will be.

    • Also be praying for the man God has already chosen for this role.

  • Pray for revival in the Church, and in our church.

  • Pray for Wes Martin’s family as they grieve Wes’ father’s passing.

  • Pray for an end to the conflicts taking place around the world.

  • Pray for our government leaders as they deal with an increasingly dangerous world situation.


Health Concerns


  • Pray for Whickey as she continues to deals with back pain.

  • Bobbi requests prayer for a friend, Dawn Marie, who will have bladder cancer surgery on Feb 4th.

  • Bill Valley requests prayer for his neighbor, Brian Cook, who has had a stroke.

  • Roy Byykkonen requests prayer for a number of lingering health issues.

  • We have an anonymous prayer request for Wes Goodburn, dying from cancer.

  • Pray for Carol Graff as she deals with serious health problems.

  • Pray for Carol McGraw, and Doug, as Carol recovers from extensive brain surgery & now prepares for radiation treatments.

  • Kathy Funkhouser requests prayers for healing of her vision.

  • Jeannie Howard requests prayer for her daughter, Jessica.

  • Pray for Rick Lee’s father and mother as they deal with dementia and other health challenges.


Missions Prayer Needs


  • Pray for Centro Cristiano Cultural de Guatemala (CCCG).  

  • Pray for the Howe family in the Amazon Basin of Brazil.  

  • Pray for the Bamfords, missionaries in the Philippines working in the village of Maraqat w/ the Isnag people in Bible translation.  

  • Pray for our Frontiers missionaries, working on evangelism and discipleship in Muslim countries.  

  • FEBC is requesting prayer for their teams working in Mongolia seeking to spread the Gospel.

  • Pray for our InFaith missionaries, Larry & Vonnie Pratt as they serve the Lord through their puppet ministry.

  • Pray for Megan and Trevor James, missionaries with CRU evangelizing & discipling on the EWU campus.

  • Pray for Rachel Faust, as she teaches grade school students at Immanuel Mission to the Navajo in northern Arizona.

  • Pray for the Trust Jesus evangelistic outreach ministry.

  • Hold “His Mercy” outreach to our neighbors up in prayer.

  • Pray for the nation of Chad struggling with a refugee crisis and also a dangerous place to be a Christian.

  • Pray for the salvation of God’s people in Israel.

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Bulletin Insert

Week of February 2, 2025

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I cannot decide of this picture makes me cold, or if it warms my heart as I consider worshipping in a beautiful chapel in the middle of God’s amazing creation.  Actually, it’s kind of like our little church nestled in the middle of God’s amazing Pacific Northwest creation.  OK, I have decided, I am warmed and encouraged.


The thing is, no matter where you live, things become familiar.  We get comfortable, and then complacent.  We have to remind ourselves to be present, to see what’s arounds us.  I often catch myself not really seeing the beauty of the surroundings I live in.  That’s just wrong!


But… even worse than that, I catch myself getting comfortable, and then complacent, in our church and particularly in our time of worship.  Think about that, “our time to worship God!”  When we gather and begin to sing, I ever so easily go through the motions without ever actually entering into God’s presence.


What a waste!  And… I suspect that I’m not the only one who does this.  But what can we do to correct it?  Well, do you take any time on Sunday morning to prepare yourself to be in God’s presence?  That is, are you taking any time in prayer to prepare?  Are you asking God to meet with you?  Are you asking the Holy Spirit to guide you into the presence of the Father?  Are you seeking Jesus’ life in you to empower you to rightly worship through you?


Even that can become rote and routine, I’m painfully aware of that.  When it does, we need to stop and remember, this is God we’re approaching.


Stop, pray for spiritual sensitivity, confess your coldness of heart, and seek the Father through the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ cleansing blood.

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